Fitzgerald's Story
Fitzgerald studied BTEC Civil Engineering at Leeds College of Building, and had to adapt to learning fully online during the Covid-19 pandemic. He said that his BTEC course was a key reason why he could do so quickly: "The BTEC course has improved my competency with different computer software packages which helped me when using Microsoft Teams and other methods to communicate easily with everyone online...The communications skills I learnt during my BTEC really helped me to correspond with my tutors during this pandemic."
Additionally, Fitzgerald says the BTEC was a key component in making him more employable: "I would recommend BTEC as you gain suitable hands on experience in the industry you are studying for. This is great for your development, not only do you again a qualification, you will also be industry-ready. BTEC will ensure you obtain the skills employers require; with a BTEC your CV will stand out."